Mission Impossible: Fallout - 18 WTF Moments

6. The Forced Ethan-Ilsa Romance

Mission Impossible Fallout Tom Cruise

This may prove to be an unpopular opinion among some fans, but doesn't the romance between Ethan and Ilsa just feel a bit, well, forced?

Sure, you can argue that it was set-up in Rogue Nation when Ilsa offered for Ethan to run away with her, but it felt pretty out-of-nowhere then and it still does now.

When Luther explains Ethan's past to Ilsa and notes that he's only ever seriously cared about two women in his life, implying Julia and herself, it rings pretty hollow.

This is made worse by the end of the movie appearing to hand Ethan off from Julia to Ilsa, for while the two are probably better-suited in terms of their similarly risky lifestyles, there's not been a ton of sexual chemistry between the two over the last two movies.

Though many would beg to differ, it seems.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.