Mission Impossible: Fallout - 18 WTF Moments

7. Tom Cruise's Infamous Ankle Break

Mission Impossible Fallout Tom Cruise

Last August, it was widely reported that Tom Cruise broke his ankle while performing a stunt in London as he leapt across a rooftop to an adjacent building, and because Cruise wouldn't have it any other way, part of that botched stunt is included in the final movie.

Though the wide shot of Cruise's ankle impacting and bending on the building (pictured above) isn't actually in the film despite being featured in the trailer, we do get an amusing shot of Cruise pulling himself onto the roof and hobbling out of frame, which was clearly from the same take.

Naturally, Hunt's hobble is pretty much gone in the next shot, but it's still intriguing to see Cruise's real-world sacrifice contribute something both visceral and amusing to the film.

Considering that Cruise's seven-week hiatus to recover ended up costing the studio a reported $80 million - though it was covered by insurance - it's just as well really.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.