Mission Impossible: Fallout - 18 WTF Moments

13. The Paris Chase

Mission Impossible Fallout Tom Cruise

The White Widow informs Ethan, posing as John Lark, that he will need to break Solomon Lane from police custody in order to obtain all the plutonium cores, leading to a riveting extraction and escape sequence in Paris.

After a clever fake-out tempts audiences with the possibility of Ethan killing civilians to get the job done, the actual heist kicks off. Ethan and Walker use a truck to smash the armoured van carrying Lane into the water, before ditching the White Widow's support team and leading the cops on a merry chase while Lane is retrieved from the waterlogged van.

Hunt and Walker then intentionally use their truck to block an alley and switch to motorcycles, with Hunt being doggedly pursued through Paris by the police until he's finally knocked off his bike.

Ethan has one more trick up his sleeve, though: escaping through a sewer grate to the waiting speedboat containing Benji, Luther and Lane.

With silky smooth wide coverage of Cruise hurtling through the streets, this is one of the most magnetic car chases put to screen in recent memory. Just...wow.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.