Mission Impossible: Fallout Review - 6 Ups & 3 Downs

4. The Fight Choreography

Mission Impossible Fallout Bathroom

If you want some indication of how brutal the fighting in it is: Mission Impossible: Fallout makes the Bourne series look like a tickle fight in a pillow factory.

Henry Cavill punching things is going to be everyone's new jam, basically.

And the best thing about it is that even though Ethan Hunt survives a LOT of things he definitely shouldn't in this film, he never, ever looks like a superhero. He's been more moulded into the image of the Daniel Craig Bond - vulnerable, beaten down but fiercely resilient and tenacious. And the fight choreography frequently makes him a victim, rather than just letting him flex and beat everyone up.

It's like a ferocious ballet and it's impossible to drag your eyes away.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.