Mission Impossible: Fallout Review - 6 Ups & 3 Downs

3. Henry Cavill When He Doesn't Talk

Mission Impossible Fallout Henry Cavill

Despite all of the gripes about him when he's talking, Henry Cavill is still a great presence in the movie. He's as close to the perfect model for a modern Bond henchman as it's possible to imagine. He's got the hulking presence and demeanour of a Jaws sort of figure, he looks INCREDIBLE, and he has a moustache that could make grapes ferment right on the vine.

There's something mesmerising even in the way he stalks around, thanks in part to him being roughly the size of a Tom Hardy and that moment in the toilets when he puts up his dukes and sets his body for combat is basically what will play in my head from now until the moment I die.

This is not to sexualise him in any way, of course, but his whole appearance is based on physicality - his character is defined as the alternative to Ethan Hunt. Where Hunt is about subtlerfuge and the art of the steal, Walker is about smashing people in the face with laptops and punching holes in them. It's a definition that really works.


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