Mission Impossible Rogue Nation Reviews: 11 Early Reactions You Need To Know

5. Sean Harris' Solomon Lane Is A Solid Villain

The marketing for Rogue Nation has barely paid any attention at all to Sean Harris' villain, Solomon Lane, which could be for one of two reasons: a) Paramount know that nobody's going to see the film for him, or b) they know that the villain is the weakest aspect of the film. Despite his lack of presence in trailers, that thankfully doesn't appear to be the case, with critics praising his turn as "chilling", demonstrating "understated menace" and most pleasantly, being "a definitive improvement after the somewhat bland face of evil in Ghost Protocol." Though several reviewers noted that Philip Seymour Hoffman's Owen Davian from Mission: Impossible III remains easily the series' best villain, Harris was commended for taking a relatively familiar baddie and imbuing him with enough personality that he should prove more memorable than Michael Nyqvist's relatively boring antagonist from the previous film.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.