Mission Impossible Rogue Nation Reviews: 11 Early Reactions You Need To Know

4. Alec Baldwin Has An Infamous One-Liner

Alec Baldwin plays Alan Hunley, a CIA stuffed shirt who seeks to shut down the IMF at the very beginning of the movie, fearing that their methods have become too extreme and that the group they're aiming to bring down, the Syndicate, don't even exist. As anyone who's seen The Departed knows, Baldwin shines in roles like this, and though the PG-13 rating prevents him from dropping any F-bombs, he does just fine with the material he has. A number of critics drew their attention to one line of dialogue that's almost certain to become an Internet meme once the movie's out in the wild, reportedly delivered in wildly hammy fashion by the legendary actor: "Hunt is the living manifestation of destiny!" Of the outrageous scene, one reviewer said that Baldwin "suddenly vaults for immortality with an extraordinary delivery of one line that could win him an Oscar and a Razzie simultaneously." Another said that the actor "seems to be having the time of his life", and so it appears that what could've been a relatively forgettable, throwaway bureaucrat character is injected with plenty of life by Baldwin's over-the-top performance, especially in relation to what will soon become known as "the line".

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.