Morbius: 21 WTF Moments

4. The Atrocious Final Battle

Morbius Jared Leto

Though most of Morbius' action is mediocre-at-best, the final fight between Michael and Milo is an absolute flaming trainwreck.

Michael ends up battling Milo, kitted out in a sharp suit no less, by tackling him off the top of a building into a sewer. At this point they start flying around as amorphous, scarcely recognisable CGI blobs.

For half the fight it's tough to make out what's going on, unaided by the low lighting in the sewer, and things only get worse when Michael unleashes a fleet of bats upon Milo, flooding the screen with thousands of the digital creatures.

Milo then dies a most unceremonious death, imploring Michael that he can't kill him, but of course Michael promptly does, injecting him with his new killer compound.

For anyone who thought that Black Panther's final battle was a disappointing mess of low-rent CGI, it's got nothing on Morbius.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.