Morbius Spoilers: 10 Major New Leaked Plot Details Revealed

6. J. Jonah Jameson's Cameo

Spider-Man Morbius
Marvel Studios

Now, we're getting to the good stuff!

Back in the Big Apple, a confused Michael heads into a bar and asks that an ambulance be called. While this is happening, he watches a TV with a report from's J. Jonah Jameson talking about the dead bodies which were found on a cargo ship bound for New York.

There have been rumblings for a while that the character played by J.K. Simmons will link these movies together and something tells us he'll blame Spider-Man for these murders! Using Jameson to tie everything together is a smart move on Sony's part and there's not a fan on the planet who will be disappointed seeing more of him as the iconic comic book character.

Michael is later reunited with Bancroft and Nikos but locks himself in a containment chamber to protect them. His bloodlust quickly becomes too much but Martine is able to knock him out and return her husband to his office while they attempt to figure out what to do next.


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.