Morbius Spoilers: 10 Major New Leaked Plot Details Revealed

5. Morbius' Comic Accurate Costume

Spider-Man Morbius
Marvel Comics

This is definitely unexpected. Back in his lab, Michael finds a tomb with a note stating, "All the answers you seek lie within, Loxias." Inside is a skeleton wearing, and we're not kidding here, a comic accurate Morbius costume. The doctor laughs that off and continues to test his abilities but the skeleton eventually wakes up and fights Michael before he crushes its skull. The bonkers sounding sequence concludes with that costume attaching itself to the Living Vampire.

Sounds like a Symbiote, right?

Whatever it is, things start getting seriously weird here as Crown is shown in the sewers covered in tattoos and wasting away before restoring himself by draining the life force from people on a subway train. Using his magical abilities, he possesses Morbius and sends him after Tyrese Gibson's Detective Simon Stroud who is investigating the murders on both the ship and in New York City.

Stroud puts up a fight thanks to the mechanical gauntlet on his arm - it's from Oscorp, the company owned by Norman Osborn - but Niko is caught in the crossfire and when Michael snaps out of this trance, he allows himself to be arrested.


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.