New Batman Film: 5 Changes From Nolan's Trilogy It Must Make

3. The Wayne Family

dotf1 When I was thinking about my reasons for writing this piece, my thoughts inevitably drifted to Jim Gordon, which led me to think about his daughter, Barbara. Barbara Gordon became a very important character in Batman lore, as she played the parts of both Oracle and Batgirl in the history of the Batman comic book family. I love Oracle€™s behind-the-scenes help of Batman, and Batgirl is a pretty cool character in her own right as well. I then thought about the lack of the extended Wayne family in the Nolan film depictions. Bruce was alone during the entirety of the series, save for his relationship with Alfred, played by the always-magnificent Michael Caine. I loved the dynamic between Bruce/Batman and Alfred in Nolan€™s run, and Caine€™s portrayal reminded me of the Alfred that I imagine in the comic series. But there is room for the rest of the Wayne family to play their part and be explored in the future of the franchise. Dick Grayson (Nightwing), Jason Todd (Red Hood), Tim Drake (Red Robin), and Damian Wayne (the most recent Robin, and Bruce€™s only actual son in this list) could have roles of play in future films, and I hope the Wayne family is explored, as it has always interested me.
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