New Batman Movie: 10 Actors to Play Jim Gordon in Batman 4

With Nolan's franchise fading quickly into the past, who will be cast next as GCPD's head honcho?

With Chris Nolan€™s Dark Knight Trilogy quickly fading into the past, we€™re looking forward now to what Warner Bros. are planning to do with the property. With no more Nolan and no more Christian Bale, the series is left without its two biggest draws, but that doesn€™t mean for a second that the franchise is dead and buried. If Schumacher didn€™t kill it, nothing will. Even though The Dark Knight Rises didn€™t quite manage to usurp The Avengers as highest grossing comic book movie of all time, it still made a Bat-tonne of cash for Warner Bros. €“ $898.3 million and counting worldwide, with the series being worth $1.7 billion in its completion (source: BoxOfficeMojo). It€™s safe to say that with numbers like that, it€™s probably a matter of months before a reboot is officially announced, particularly when you consider the Justice League movie that€™s definitely coming our way, failing some cataclysmic event that ends the world this year in line with the Aztec calendar. And of course with a new Batman movies comes an entirely new set of faces assuming the roles of the characters €“ a new Batman, a new Alfred, potentially a new Joker and of course, who could forget, a brand new Jim Gordon. Gordon is an immensely important part of the Batman canon and so casting him is right is crucial; especially should the new director want to keep him fresh and develop him further €“ which is going to be essential going forward in the pursuit of keeping the Batman world fresh. So with that in mind, I put my mind on who I€™d cast as the Commissioner of the GCPD, if I were ever put in the enviable position of making a Batman movie €“ after I€™d finished calling everyone I€™d ever met to tell them the news of course. Let€™s get down to it.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.