New Batman Movie: 10 Things We Want To See in Batman 4

8. More Gadgetry

We can€™t have been the only ones that missed Batman€™s heavy dependence on gadgetry in Nolan€™s franchise. Sure it was there, or a version of it at least but we always wished he would have gone a little bit more€ comic-booky on it. Fair enough, maybe outlandish gadgetry would have stuck out like a sore Bat-thumb in Nolan€™s take on the character. But if there€™s to be a complete reboot, maybe it€™s time for the franchise to depart from our reality and present us with some gadgets that stretch the limits of possibility. We€™re not suggesting that Batman 4 should have a Shark Repellent Bat Spray scene, but would it kill us to see the Grapnel Gun dusted off a bit more often?

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.