3. The Grey Suit
Every time I see a Batman movie, theyve tried to do something crazy with the suit. Its either thick, black reinforced rubber or theyve put erogenous zones on it, but theyve never tried just leaving it the f*ck alone and seeing how that goes (even Burton's version seemed that little bit too impractical). Lets get Batman back to basics: the thick grey spandex suit and the black Bat-symbol ala Jim Lees (and countless other modern artists too) visual take, seen above. That way, he not only looks like Batman, he can move like Batman, run like Batman, jump like Batman and most importantly, fight like Batman. You might think the word spandex alone, when applied to the Batman movie property, would ruin any sense of urbane that Nolan might have brought to the character. But who is tougher really, the guy who chooses armour or the guy who doesnt need it?