New Batman Movie: 10 Things We Want To See in Batman 4

2. A More Comic Bookesque Interpretation

I guess what I€™m trying to say with this whole piece is that the next Batman movies should take a sharp turn back to their roots and be approached as a more direct adaptation of the source. After all, isn€™t that why The Avengers worked so well? In my eyes, Nolan made some solid movies with his Dark Knight trilogy, but he didn€™t exactly make fantastic Batman adaptations (with the exception of Batman Begins maybe). And if the character is expected to stand with the big seven in an upcoming Justice League movie, I don€™t think Nolan€™s version would €“ if you€™ll excuse the pun €“ be in the same league. We€™re talking feats of acrobatics, feats of strength and intelligence €“ and to the point that these are almost superhuman. But for god€™s sake, let€™s avoid another Batman and Robin fiasco shall we?

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.