Next Batman Movie: 5 Stories & Characters That Should Be Explored

2. The Joker

ledger-as-the-joker Even though most would say the Joker shouldn€™t be done again because Heath Ledger€™s portrayal was perfect and out of respect but having a Batman series without the Joker would be like having Jurassic Park without a T-Rex. Although I too would say Ledger€™s version was perfect, it was only a perfect portrayal of the overly psychotic, deranged Joker. Jack Nicholson, however, went the opposite route with his Joker, opting for the more common, wacky version similar to that from the Batman Animated Series. If we were ever to see Joker in a movie again I would suggest a hybrid of these two versions, similar to that from the Batman: Arkham games. Getting an actor to play Joker is tricky, they€™d have an unbelievable amount of pressure on them to blow audiences away. It€™s quite possibly the most daunting role in the world to pick up after Ledger. That being said, a different Joker like the one I suggested is key to comparisons not being drawn and thus giving the new actor a chance. I€™ve never gave much thought to who could play Joker since seeing The Dark Knight, partially because I can€™t imagine anyone topping Ledger. However lately I noticed an actor and almost immediately I said €œhe would be a great Joker.€ That actor is Rhys Wakefield, an Australian actor recently seen in The Purge. the purge review3 I€™d never seen Wakefield act before but he immediately struck me with the presence and skill to play a great Joker. He also has the perfect look and voice to play the Clown Prince of Crime. If you haven€™t seen him watch The Purge, or at least the trailer. I€™m not sure which movie would be best to unleash the Joker, the first Batman would probably be too soon but I€™d like to see a new Batman series do something the Nolan Trilogy couldn€™t; a second Joker movie. If you have one movie with the Joker as lead villain and it€™s a success, the potential for a return is great. Imagine had Ledger lived and a Batman 4 been made with him, the trailer alone would have given goosebumps. The Joker is a sensitive subject with many but I think he is an absolutely necessary character that has to appear at some point. My personal idea would be to have the first movie be villains like Poison Ivy and Killer Croc, the second movie would be the Joker and a lesser villain, the third would be The Court of Owls and the fourth could be the Joker again. I know these plans may not be for everyone and no matter what way the Joker is portrayed it should be left untouched, much like the football jersey of a legend but the Batman universe is so much more than any one man, no disrespect to Ledger, and The Joker is too big a part of that world to leave out.

Journalism student from Ireland. Interested in video games, books, rock music, films, comics, TV and wrestling - the basics! Check out my Twitter for PS4 screenshots and random comments!