Noah: 7 Biblical Films That Should Have Come Before
4. Jonah
In Case You Missed Sunday SchoolIt's the big fish guy. Jonah is a prophet who defies God's orders to preach to the wicked city of Nineveh, instead fleeing on a boat. So God sends a storm, and Jonah ends up spending three days in the belly of the beast as a lesson. He gets spit up on shore, and dutifully heads to Nineveh. Why It Should Be a MovieSo Veggietales kind of already did this one on the big screen, but forget them. This story has fighting fate, a big storm, a big fish that eats a dude, and one man versus a city of a**holes. But the true thematic meat of Jonah's story actually comes from the part that generally isn't covered in Sunday school, and which hasn't filtered into popular culture. See, after he converts the Ninevites, he camps outside the city and waits to see if God will destroy it for its sins. He's a mouthpiece for the Lord, but he doesn't truly understand Him. He can't reconcile the wrathful God who almost killed him for his disobedience with a merciful God who is willing to spare Nineveh for repenting. Does this conflict sound at all familiar to you? See what I'm getting at, here? This is a religious debate that continues to this day, and there should be a movie that explores our contradictory perceptions of God.