Nolan brings Alfred to INCEPTION?

You know earlier this week I was talking about Christopher Nolan working with actors multiple times that he feels comfortable with? Well, we have more proof of that today thanks to MTV News who snagged an interview with the director's Batman Begins, The Prestige and The Dark Knight actor Michael Caine who hinted that he could soon team-up with Nolan for the fourth movie in a row, the top secret science fiction set within the "architecture of the mind", known as Inception. 0142023050085

€œI think there might be a part for me...I will know this week if I€™m going to be in it,€ Caine said.
Fantastic news. Caine has been the moral backbone of Nolan's last few movies, the sympathetic character we can all side with. The man with the big heart, who just wants to do the right thing but is always well aware of the darkness that can plague man's mind, and his actions. For the most part in Nolan's filmography, Caine has had the job of masking the movie's exposition, usually in the form of an anecdote (the forest in Burma story from The Dark Knight is a prime example) but he has perfected the technique so well, you barely register the screenwriter's tool of telling you what is going to happen in the film. Here is that clip...

It's no wonder Nolan keeps using Caine because this kind of scene is so vital to a movie. If he's cast, I'm certain it will be in this kind of capacity once again.

Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.