Obi-Wan Kenobi: 10 Ways It Changes Star Wars

6. "Darth" Is Much More Than A Weird One-Off

Darth Vader

The iconic Jedi Master's rather specific farewell to Vader during Part VI in the wake of thoroughly ripping up a rocky locale instantly transported fans back to the pair's last exchange before Anakin fell to the Dark Side in Revenge of the Sith, with Kenobi's "Goodbye, old friend" this time being replaced by "Goodbye... Darth."

Along with this callback, Kenobi's bitter use of the title "Darth" when bidding adieu to the dark presence also helps Alec Guinness' long-time bizarre use of the moniker in A New Hope make a little more sense in the overall narrative.

While it's clear that "Darth" was seen more as a first-name than a title by George Lucas upon penning A New Hope's script, that would obviously change in the year's that would follow and leave the utterance of "You're only a master of evil, Darth" sticking out like a scorched thumb.

Obi-Wan Kenobi's handling of the pair's final showdown before A New Hope, however, now suggests that Kenobi's use of the term "Darth" is his way of separating his beloved fallen friend Anakin from the relentless Sith who now stands before him.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...