Obi-Wan Kenobi: 10 Ways It Changes Star Wars

5. Obi-Wan Had A Brother In Canon

Darth Vader

Obi-Wan Kenobi's charming and unquestionably sweet small screen relationship with a young Princess Leia Organa came stuffed with more emotional haymakers than anyone was truly ready for.

But away from the likes of the thoroughly weathered Jedi's revealing of the Princess reminding him of her "fearless" and "stubborn" mother (no, you're crying!), Kenobi also let loose the bombshell of him remembering having a brother for the first time on the live-action stage.

Now, this actually isn't the first instance of Kenobi having a long-lost sibling being potentially introduced to the series, with the original screenplay for Return of the Jedi stating that Owen Lars was actually Ben's brother before that revelation was ultimately cut from the finished article.

Owen being Kenobi's sibling would pop up a few more times in various Legends material before Attack of the Clones re-introduced Owen as Anakin's step-brother, with no clear link between him and Kenobi being made known within current canon.

But this still leaves the door open for a potential Kenobi family reunion with this unknown brother should Disney decide to tell more pre-New Hope streaming service stories in the coming years.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...