Ocean's 8 Review: 5 Ups And 4 Downs

1. Anne Hathway Steals Every Scene

Oceans 8 Anne Hathaway
Warner Bros.

It may not be surprising that an Oscar winner gave a strong performance, but it's hard to deny just how much fun Anne Hathaway seems to be having in her role here. Her mix of over-the-top arrogance and constant fake PR smiles makes her more endearing than hated and she's simply a blast to watch.

At first, you assume that she'll be a more antagonistic character due to her passive-aggressive behavior and a prominent in-love-with-herself attitude, but that's not quite all she's given to do. Hathaway is given so many nasty character elements alongside strictly humorous scenes, and they're pulled off extremely well because of her. She sells the arrogance, the fakeness, everything that is foundational to this character.

In the hands of someone less capable/talented, this role would've come across as irritating and strictly stereotypical. However, since it's handed to a talent like Anne Hathaway, the role is expanded and goes beyond a simple shallow personality type.

She becomes someone who you hope to see in future sequels alongside the other members of the gang because it's difficult to deny how much lesser the film would've been without her. Everyone certainly did their part for the movie, but Anne Hathaway's the secret weapon that sealed the deal.


Have you seen Ocean's 8? What did you think about it? Share your thoughts on the movie in the comments!


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.