Ocean's 8 Review: 5 Ups And 4 Downs

2. Sandra Bullock's Charismatic, Charming Lead Performance

Oceans 8 Sandra Bullock
Warner Bros.

It's no easy task taking on a role that George Clooney took on and made iconic, but Bullock takes on this role with a characterization that is definitely her own and plays to her strengths. Her ability to lead with such talent alongside her helps remind everyone how talented an actress she is, along with her clear level of natural charisma.

While there's never been any reason to doubt her ability to lead an ensemble movie like this, there's always a bit of underlying worry that the leads in these kinds of movies will be overshadowed by their supporting characters. Thankfully, they effectively complement Bullock rather than take away the spotlight, allowing both parties to work as an effective combo. And since Debbie is given the most to do in the film, she's obviously given the most opportunities to shine.

Her ability to adapt and work with each of the talented cast members is very needed here. Many scenes potentially won't work at all if there's no entertaining back-and-forth provided by the actresses, and Bullock offers it up every single time with every cast member. As long as they develop her further and give her more to do, Bullock could eventually reach that same high status Clooney earned after headlining three of these Ocean's movies.


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.