Oscar Nominations 2019: 6 Ups & 9 Downs

5. Sam Elliott Sneaks Into The Best Supporting Actor Race

A Star Is Born Sam Elliott
Warner Bros.

Though Sam Elliott's performance in A Star Is Born was singled out by pretty much everybody who reviewed it, his presence on the awards circuit has been pretty wishy-washy, such that the prospect of an Oscar nomination wasn't looking terribly bright.

What a pleasant surprise it was, then, to hear Elliott's name called out among the Best Supporting Actor nominees.

He'll be facing stiff competition from Mahershala Ali (Green Book) and Richard E. Grant (Can You Ever Forgive Me?) in particular, but could the industry-wide affection for Elliott help build the narrative that the 74-year-old actor deserves the award?

After all, this is the first Oscar nomination of his storied, 50-year career, and his outstanding performance helps anchor both Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper's also-nominated performances.

Whatever happens, it's just great to see him nominated.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.