Oscars 2013: 10 Movies That Could Surprise Us All

4. Argo

A couple of months ago, Ben Affleck€™s Argo was probably in strong early contention for Best Picture, but as the weeks have progressed and the €˜awards season€™ has arrived, inevitably, stronger contenders have been released and focused on. Although Argo€™s early release date may have dampened its chances at the Academy Awards, its subject material, the talented collaborators and a strong reception and box office performance still give it a fighting chance. Ben Affleck is now rightly considered to be a genuine talent behind the lens, so is it time for him to be recognised for his contributions to film once more? Both Gone Baby Gone and The Town received one nomination each in 2007 and 2010 respectively, but with a total of seven nominations this year, I would be surprised if Argo isn€™t given at least one Oscar. Aside from Best Picture, out of the other €˜top€™ categories, it is Alan Arkin who is nominated for Actor in a Supporting Role. As with Argo in the Best Picture category, Arkin is up against strong competition from the likes o f Robert De Niro (Silver Linings Playbook), Philip Seymour Hoffman (The Master) and Christoph Waltz (Django Unchained) €“ so any wins for the film and its talent will be well earned.
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I am a copywriter, creative writer and film enthusiast. My passion is writing about film and one day soon, I hope to be able to do this full time, at home, in my pyjamas.