Oscars 2013: If We Picked The Winners (Best Supporting Actor)

3. Robert De Niro in Silver Linings Playbook

deno Many might lump in this performance with the last two as a case of the Academy giving a hearty pat on the back to acting veterans giving "good efforts." Unlike the previous two nominees though, I do not see this as a "pity nomination" for a former acting legend years past his prime. While it's an undeniable truth that Mr. De Niro, one of the most esteemed actors in the history of the medium, has been mailing it in for well over a decade, his performance as Pat Salitano Sr. was a true return to form, not simply an improvement over his recent sub par work. Maybe De Niro finally got tired of half-assing it or maybe this is just the first time in a long time that De Niro has worked with a director who had real vision and passion for the movie he was creating, but whatever the reason was, it's just good to see a craftsman doing the fine work he was born to do. Playing a gambling addicted, super-superstitious Eagles fan (something I can relate to as a diehard Patriots fan), De Niro expertly walks the fine line between goofy eccentric and real human being. It's a tough mix, but when the film needs him to be all so slightly over the top for comedic purposes, he's there, and when it needs a sincere moment of emotion, such as the scene in which he has heart to heart talk with his son, De Niro pulls it off in spades. In terms of De Niro's filmography, it's also an interesting role in that it is one of his rare turns as a father figure, but he proves he can be just as convincingly paternal as any actor out there. Easily his best performance since Jackie Brown, it might not have quite made my own personal ballot, but it is an award worthy turn none the less.
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Oscars 2013
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A film fanatic at a very young age, starting with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle movies and gradually moving up to more sophisticated fare, at around the age of ten he became inexplicably obsessed with all things Oscar. With the incredibly trivial power of being able to chronologically name every Best Picture winner from memory, his lifelong goal is to see every Oscar nominated film, in every major category, in the history of the Academy Awards.