Oscars 2013: Who Will Win, Who Should Win

Best Supporting Actress: Will Win - Anne Hathaway

AnneHathaway This race, much like Best Actor, seemed to be over months ago. But unlike Day-Lewis, there is a legitimate chance that Hathaway could lose her hold on the trophy. Sally Field, as a complicated and challenging Mary Todd Lincoln, is a very legitimate contender for this award, and with much more screen time and much more to do than Hathaway, she could pull off the upset.

Best Supporting Actress: Should Win - Amy Adams

Amy+Adams+i+The+Master Since Sally Field is a very legitimate contender, I€™ll leave her out of the should win spot and instead focus on someone who hasn€™t been mentioned enough: Amy Adams. Amy Adams has always been placed in cheery, good girl roles, but the darkness she conjured in The Master was not only impressive, but at times, downright frightening. As Peggy Dodd, wife to Philip Seymour Hoffman€™s cult leader, she held a sort of quiet control over the proceedings, the kind of woman you fear crossing. Only as the film unwound did we learn how important her, um, handy-work, was to The Cause itself. It was a great performance not only for how far she played against type, but how easily she made us forget that we ever thought of her as a princess, muppet associate, or museum exhibit come to life. Of course, it€™s often impossible to know what the Academy is thinking, which is half of what makes the Oscars fun (and infuriating). Feel free to comment with your predictions or what films you€™d like to see win on Oscar night.
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Oscars 2013
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David Braga lives in Boston, MA, where he watches movies, football, and enjoys a healthy amount of beer. It's a tough life, but someone has to live it.