That's all, folks! The votes have been tallied and the nominations have been doled out for 86th Academy Awards, due to take place on Sunday, March 2nd. Chris Hemsworth was the actor pulled out of bed at ridiculous-o-clock to make the nominations announcements for America's breakfast time news media, revealing a slew of predictable yet satisfying nods, along with the usual spate of ridiculous snubs and exclusions. As we've come to expect, a number of seemingly obvious nominees were shut out, while some regular Oscar darlings managed to make the cut simply because they're well liked by the Academy. The Best Documentary field was up to its usual weird tricks, and perhaps most shockingly of all, Pixar were snubbed for the second time in three years, though admittedly the first snub (for Cars 2 in 2012) was actually a worthy move by the Academy. This year? Not so much, so without any further ado, here are the 17 unfair snubs the Academy decreed this afternoon.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.