Oscars 2014: 17 Unfair Snubs The Academy Got Completely Wrong

12. 12 Years A Slave €“ Best Cinematography

Some will readily argue that likely Best Picture winner 12 Years A Slave was snubbed in two categories, Cinematography and Best Original Score, but given how much of the 12YAS score was derived from Hans Zimmer's previous work, I wasn't particularly surprised or upset that it didn't get a nod. A snub for the cinematography is a much bigger deal, though, as it doesn't often mean good things for a Best Picture winner (though curiously, last year's winner Argo didn't get a lensing nod either). The beautifully bleak depiction of the American South, and the long take of Solomon hanging from a tree in particular (don't worry, that's not a spoiler), should have cemented this one as a sure thing. Instead it seems that the one to sneak in was Wong Kar Wai's The Grandmaster, which in my prior predictions article I noted could be a potential surprise in this category.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.