Oscars 2014: 9 Hilarious Scenes From The Best Picture Nominees (And 1 That Fails Miserably)

6. Rayon Redecorates Ron's Office - Dallas Buyers Club

A true story about an AIDS victim doesn't sound like a barrel of laughs, but that's what Dallas Buyers Club ends up being a lot of the time thanks to the personality of Ron Woodroof and Matthew McConaughey's unshakable performance. You hate to love him at first because he's the classic stereotype of the backward redneck, homophobia and bigotry in tow, but Ron evolves more profoundly than all the characters from all the Best Picture nominees put together. Told that he's got 30 days to live, he takes the bull by the horns and fights AIDS with everything he's got, selling unapproved FDA drugs to AIDS victims. In this hilarious scene, Jennifer Garner's Eve comes by Ron's office to talk about the benefits of AZT. In the midst of this serious conversation, Ron's business partner Rayon is with his boyfriend in the background and Ron keeps noticing that Rayon has been redecorating. After Rayon cuts him off, Ron asks: "Why are my f*cking walls painted red?" "It's cranberry mocha! It's for the holidays!" Back to talking about the disease. And then:"Why is Boy George's mug all over my f*cking room?" which is the clincher and made me almost spill my drink. The Boy George picture (it's actually Marc Bolan, silly) makes another golden appearance in a future scene, of course.

Nik's passions reside in writing, discussing and watching movies of all sorts. He also loves dogs, tennis, comics and stuff. He lives irresponsibly in Montreal and tweets random movie things @NikGrape.