Oscars 2017: 15 Movies Most Likely To Get Nominated For Best Picture

10. Sully

Oscars 2017 Best Picture Candidates
Warner Bros.

What Is It? Flight, but real. It's the dramatisation of the phenomenal landing of an Airbus in the Hudson River, with Tom Hanks playing pilot Chesley Sullenberger and Clint Eastwood calling the shots. It's not just about a tense water-landing though, with the film taking in the hearing afterwards and the controversy that surrounded the cause of the crash.

Why Could It Be A Contender? If Eastwood can get a Best Picture nomination for Bradley Cooper in America Jingoism, shepherding a Tom Hanks true-life picture onto the shortlist should be a piece of cake. Thanks to Unforgiven and Million Dollar Baby he's secured as a Academy darling regardless of how much political mumbo jumbo he spouts, and they're always keen to recognise when he does something good.

What Might Stop It? Clint's been rather hit-and-miss recently, with a series of movies that felt incredibly flat, including fellow Oscar hopeful J Edgar. This problem didn't stop American Sniper, which was certainly bland, but in a packed year he needs to give his absolute all, or it'll get nothing.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.