Oscars 2017: 15 Movies Most Likely To Get Nominated For Best Picture

8. Lion

Oscars 2017 Best Picture Candidates
The Weinstein Company

What Is It? Soul searching for the internet generation. It's a movie we've seen plenty of times before where an grown-up adopted child goes on a life-changing journey to search for their real family (all based on a true story, of course). The twist here is that it's all done with the help of the magical internet.

Why Could It Be A Contender? Citing Harvey Weinstein as producer isn't quite the guarantee of Oscar glory it was a few years ago - since The Artist he's struggled to mount a really successful campaign - but there's still a lot of promise there. This is his big push of the year, and while it may come across as rather basic and baity (the thing that's really hurt his recent attempts), it's got a lot of constituent elements that tend to do well - modern framing of a classic story with actors who conjure up prestige.

What Might Stop It? While this isn't one I'm overly excited for, there's little to fault about how it's constructed as an Oscar film. The only thing is that Weinstein may be playing it too broad against a pack full of filmmaking brio.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.