Oscars 2019: 10 Great Films That Didn't Get A Single Nomination (And What They Deserved)

3. Paddington 2

Paddington 2 Hugh Grant

What It Deserved: Best Supporting Actor, Costume Design, Visual Effects

Fighting the urge to say that Paddington 2 deserves absolutely every award going, for the simple fact it's pure joy distilled into a 104-minute film, then there's at least a reasonable argument for Hugh Grant being nominated for Best Supporting Actor.

The category as it stands isn't all that exciting, and Grant delivers the kind of performance that not only goes against what we've come to expect from him, but stands as the most impressive of the bunch. The way he plays villain Phoenix Buchanan is a sheer delight, but then it's not just one performance: Grant dons various disguises throughout the movie, fully taking on each one in turn.

If Grant was working at this kind of level in a serious drama, there wouldn't be much question of a nomination. It just so happens to be played for comedic effect in a family movie, but the way he depicts the narcissistic, cunning Buchanan, and the mix of glee and actual menace he does it with, deserves attention regardless of genre.

There can also be arguments made for Paddington 2 in other areas. Each costume somehow manages to top the last, while fitting into the film's whimsical feel, while it expertly melds its CGI with the live-action (if Christopher Robin can be nominated, then Paddington 2 definitely should be), with Paddington incredibly detailed and remarkably expressive. But of them all, it's Grant that feels like the biggest miss.


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.