Oscars 2021: Who Should Win Every Award (And Who Actually Will)

20. Best Documentary Short

Oscars 2021 Anthony Hopkins Chadwick Boseman
The New York Times



A Concerto Is a Conversation

Do Not Split

Hunger Ward

A Love Song for Latasha

Who Should Win: A Concerto Is a Conversation

The Documentary Short Film field is always chock full of fascinating stories that make the most of their compact format, and this year the king of the bunch is the Ava DuVernay-produced A Concerto Is a Conversation.

This is an emotional knockout centered on a conversation between composer Kris Bowers and his grandfather, as they discuss their family's lineage and the fraught history of America itself. Powerful and relevant stuff.

Who Will Win: A Concerto Is a Conversation

Distributor The New York Times has aggressively marketed the hell out of this short, so its name was certainly well-known by Oscar voters when it came time to file ballot.

Don't entirely discount an upset from several fellow nominees, though - especially Hong Kong protests short Do Not Split or Netflix's A Love Song for Latasha.

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Oscars 2021
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.