Oscars 2021: Who Should Win Every Award (And Who Actually Will)

19. Best Documentary Feature

Oscars 2021 Anthony Hopkins Chadwick Boseman



Crip Camp

The Mole Agent

My Octopus Teacher


Who Should Win: Collective

This extremely powerful and upsetting documentary about corruption in the Romanian government was also nominated for Best International Feature Film, and is by far the most urgent of all the five films nominated.

As an indictment of widespread healthcare fraud and mismanagement in the country, Collective is righteously angry while also serving as a fitting tribute to those failed by the system intended to protect them.

Who Will Win: My Octopus Teacher

The frankly dead-average My Octopus Teacher has enjoyed a massive swell of support as of late, and wins with both BAFTA and the Producer's Guild of America likely mean it's taking the gong home.

That said, this is a famously schizophrenic category where surprises are common, and considering My Octopus Teacher is easily the softest of the five nominees, an upset by any of its opponents would be massively welcome.

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Oscars 2021
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.