Pacific Rim Extended Footage Review: 5 Ways It Will Rule This Summer

4. The Director

guillermodeltoro600 Guillermo Del Toro has a history of creating films that revel in fantasy and dark themes. Hellboy, Blade II and Pan€™s Labyrinth highlight the Mexican director€™s style, attention to detail and visual flare. He also has a self-confessed obsession with monsters so it might explain why he was drawn to Pacific Rim. He dropped working on a live action version of of H. P. Lovecraft's At the Mountains of Madness which was being produced by James Cameron and set to star Tom Cruise. But he moved to work on Pacific Rim instead, Tom Cruise was set to join him but luckily that never happened and saved the Pacific Rim from becoming another Cruise vanity project. And while there is high hope that the film will have substance in the story department, one thing that can€™t be denied is that Del Toro has created a stunning looking movie. Jumping from barren, colourless landscapes to highly saturated explosions of colour, Pacific Rim is a gorgeous looking film. Had Pacific Rim been in the hands of director like Michael Bay or JJ Abrams, this would have been juvenile rubbish with nothing but the Special effects going for it. If it had been a film directed by James Cameron or Steven Spielberg, it might have had too much cheese or €˜€™heart€™€™ and had the eyes rolling as you watched. But with Del Toro at the helm, the story will hopefully be told with much more originality. The bits I saw reminded me of Platinum Games€™ 2010 awesome third person shooter Vanquish, a game everybody should try to play.

Child of the 80's. Brought up on Star Trek, Video Games and Schwarzenegger, my tastes evolved to encompass all things geeky.