Paranormal Activity - The Ghost Dimension: 12 Ways It Ruins The Franchise

10. The 3D Is Terrible & Frequently Non-Existent

It's always incredibly suspicious when a franchise resorts to 3D, especially in the horror genre: just look at the Friday the 13th, Final Destination and Saw series' attempts to give themselves a box office boost. PA is no different, with the gimmick being that when the Fleeges family discover an old camera in their garage, it's been (somehow) modified to view ghosts, spirits and demons. Anything shot through this camera appears in 3D, which largely consists of image artefacting and, of course, glimpses of Toby and the debris from the "ghost dimension" that he brings with him. The 3D is mostly reserved for silly in-your-face CGI jump scares rather than anything live-action, and if that wasn't bad enough, considering that large chunks of the movie aren't even filmed with the spirit camera, about half the film isn't even in 3D. If you (for some reason) decide to see it, push your 3D glasses down your nose every so often and, at least half the time, you'll see the exact same image. In fact, you'll probably forget you're watching a 3D movie occasionally given the long stretches in which the tech isn't even used. As if the film wasn't already a cash-grab enough, they didn't even go the whole hog and just make a totally nutty 3D thrill-ride.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.