Paranormal Activity - The Ghost Dimension: 12 Ways It Ruins The Franchise

8. Scenes From The Trailer Are Missing (Again)

This shouldn't be too much of a surprise to series fans, but this is yet another PA movie where scenes are included in the trailers that actually don't show up in the final film. In fairness, this has often been used to impressive effect in previous films, as it kept the viewer on their toes, as they genuinely didn't know what was going to show up in the film and what wasn't: it was a smart way of misleading them. Sadly, though, it's not so fun to play with audience expectations when this is the last movie in the series and they expect stuff to happen, but instead, not much at all really does. In addition to the trailer showing off several alternate and extended takes of scenes from the movie, there's a brief glimpse of what appears to be a number of children taking part in some sort of ceremony. If only the movie were half as exciting as this shot indicates in reality: instead Paramount put a weird amount of effort into making it look more thrilling than it actually is, which is pretty much bordering on false advertising. Don't tease us with cool-looking scenes like this and then not deliver them in the final product...

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.