Paul Walker: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

2. Jared €“ Into The Blue (2005)

At least Eight Below had good intentions in bringing the incredible true story of an Arctic researcher's life being saved by a pack of escaped snow dogs to the screen. Into The Blue's remit was purely to get a load of sexy people into their swimsuits and shoot them underwater, in slow motion, all glistening and with certain bits jiggling. If you've seen anything to do with this film, it'll be Jessica Alba in a bikini. With that image used as the pitch, the filmmakers felt no need to bother with a believable or even interesting story. Just beautiful people in mild peril. Which describes 99% of Hollywood blockbusters, but these lot didn't even try to hide it with themes and plot twists. Which is all the more frustrating when you consider how many great actions films Walker tested that lazy sort of characterisation with. Directed by Top Gun actor John Stockwell €“ himself a former model €“ the film has something to do with beautiful people snorkelling to steal some cocaine dropped out of drug smuggler's plane, with the intention of selling it on for a tidy profit. They get embroiled in the criminal underworld and wind up in way over their heads, blah blah blah. Walker's Jared is initially oblivious to the plan, and Walker never seems present for any of his scenes throughout.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at