Paul Walker: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

And 5 That Sucked...

5. Ben €“ The Lazarus Project (2008)

You can't blame a guy for trying something new, though. As much as Walker did to bump up against the edges of your average action hero and stretch what you could do with him, sometimes the actor abandoned his home genre wholesale in search of pastures new. Or different for him, at the very least. Presumably it's that impulse that lead him to supernatural thriller The Lazarus Project, which is really...not very good. Through no fault of his, mind. No, that's all down to writer/director John Patrick Glenn, who also brought you the unnecessary and charmless remake of Journey To The Center of the Earth, the unnecessary and charmless remake of Clash Of The Titans, and the frankly incomprehensible and hilariously po-faced Law Abiding Citizen, the nadir of Gerard Butler's career. The Lazarus Project isn't the nadir of Paul Walker's filmography, but it's not far off. An incredibly, impressively middling film without an original idea in its head, Walker stars as Ben, an ex-con who gets mysteriously ends up working at a psychiatric hospital after €œwaking up€ from a lethal injection. Silly, not as smart as it thinks it is, and the confusing tone means his performance is never consistent.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at