Paul Walker RIP: His 5 Most Memorable Roles

3. Lewis Thomas - Joy Ride

Fhd001jrd Paul Walker 030 Zpsee04d4c31 Speaking of cult classics however, Joy Ride stands out as one of the Paul Walker fanbase's favorites. Released in 2001, Paul Walker was finally getting leading roles in major Hollywood productions. Shifting away from the more dramatic and comedic roles, Joy Ride proved that Paul Walker could carry a thriller on his back, whether he was panicking and hyperventilating in fear or pranking the villainous psychopathic trucker by seducing him with a female voice over a CB radio. In addition to Paul Walker expanding his range as an actor, Joy Ride is honestly a smart and tense thriller that keeps audiences hooked until the end. It€™s arguable that this is mostly due to a carefully calculated script written by J.J Abrams which was inspired by Steven Spielberg€™s 1971 motion picture "Duel", but much credit has to go to the excellent chemistry that leads Steve Zahn, Ted Levine (the serial killer Rusty Nail), and of course Paul Walker himself all share.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.