Peter Dinklage: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

5 Awesome Performances...

5. Peter Drunklage - Saturday Night Live (2013)

In an episode hosted by Melissa McCarthy, Peter Dinklage still managed to steal the show. He joined Bobby Moynihan's Drunk Uncle, taking on the identity of the beautifully named Peter Drunklage. Drunklage is the whiskey slugging brother of Drunk Uncle, and the two apparently watching Game Of Thrones together during their down time. Together they discuss immigration, taxes and break into random verses of '80s glam-rock. It's a short sketch, but with co-host Seth Meyers' giggling along constantly, it makes an impression. Admittedly it doesn't see Dinklage stretched to his max, but he does make a great drunk and the bit never once uses Dinklage's height as a punchline.

Writer, cinephile and owner of Vampire's Kiss on DVD. Take from that what you will.