Pieces Of A Woman Review: 7 Ups & 3 Downs

2. Shia LaBeouf's Terrific (If Uncomfortable) Performance

Pieces of a Woman Vanessa Kirby Shia LaBeouf

There are three great performances in this movie, though one that has to be contextualised within unfortunate, inescapable real world circumstances.

Shia LaBeouf gives a searing performance as Martha's troubled partner Sean, an initial pillar of support whose demons come to the fore in the wake of his loss.

Numerous scenes depict Sean as abusive to Martha in varying degrees, which prove especially discomforting in light of a recent abuse lawsuit filed against LaBeouf in real life by his former partner FKA Twigs.

This in effect makes these scenes feel more "real" than they otherwise would, and while many viewers will be able to simply "separate the art from the artist", it's also equally valid to find this unintentional parallel offputting.

To be clear, LaBeouf is in the majority of the film and is seen performing several acts adjacent to what he's been accused of (and admitted to) in real life, so if you're especially sensitive to that, this might not be a film for you to watch right now.

On pure acting merits alone LaBeouf does a splendid job, though some may struggle to praise that when it's so inextricably linked to his personal issues away from the screen.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.