Predator: Every Film Ranked Worst To Best

2. Predator 2

The Predator New Trailer
20th Century Fox

It was never going to be an easy feat following up the original Predator, but Predator 2 arrived in the winter of 1990 - over three years after its predecessor - to a critical thrashing and pretty low audience turnout, initial consensus marking the sequel a failure. That said, Predator 2 has been treated better with time, with fans all its own who acknowledge its pure entertainment value.

Predator 2 spins everything about the first film around, opting to subvert expectations rather than retread the same, sure-fire ground that film already explored, and doesn't get enough credit for trying. The muscular, archetypal action hero that was Schwarzenegger's Dutch? Swapped out for Danny Glover's weary, button-down-wearing LAPD officer Mike Harrigan. The humid, endless jungle? Replaced by concrete and graffiti, steam and layers of sweat and grime that define the film's vision of 1997's Los Angeles. With gang wars breaking out, innocent lives everywhere, and a secret government organization aware of the Predator's presence, Predator 2 serves up a vastly different playground in which its titular character can hunt to great effect.

From the "Want some candy?" scene to the subway sequence to the final act where Harrigan chases the injured Predator through the city - a nice reversal of the Predator and Dutch roles from the first film - there's a lot to enjoy in the sequel, a film that doesn't rest on its laurels in just repeating what Predator already did, standing as a worthy follow-up that has aged incredibly well.

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Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!