Predator: Every Film Ranked Worst To Best

1. Predator

The Predator New Trailer

After 31 years and five cinematic outings to date for the Predator, it's the original film that introduced the alien hunter to audiences all over the world that still stands as the benchmark against which all other Predator-related films past and future are measured, and is that really much of a surprise?

Predator is an effortless blend of science fiction, horror, and testosterone-infused action, glued together by a staggering sense of suspense and growing dread, unforgettable (and quotable) characters like Schwarzenegger's Dutch, Carl Weathers' Dillon, Sonny Landham's Billy, and Bill Duke's Mac, and a simple premise that exemplifies the idea that less is more. At the time of its release, critics may not have fallen head over heels with it, but its legacy is undeniable, as the Predator itself quickly transcended into pop culture and the film's laser-like narrative efficiency and lack of pretense about what it wants to offer has elevated the film into permanent classic status.

No matter what one thinks of the films that followed in its wake, Predator will always be there at the end of the day for anyone looking for an immensely entertaining experience, one that never overstays its welcome but is always ready to take you on a celluloid rollercoaster ride that never gets old.

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Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!