Predicting The 10 Highest Grossing Films Of 2015

8. Jurassic World ($700 million)

Jurassic Park sequels, at least when compared to the original, don't have the best box office track record, takings decreasing in increments of $300 million each time. Unlike The Lost World and III, however, this year's Jurassic World is less a continuation of the story and more a nostalgic reboot of the property, returning the action to original base idea. Upon initial release becoming the then-highest grossing movie of all time, no one would argue that Jurassic Park wasn't immediately beloved, but in the two decades since it has become even more popular. While critics at the time bemoaned Spielberg not hiding the monsters a la Jaws, time has turned it from being another blockbuster hit to an all-time classic. And thus a big part of Universal's marketing for the film has been done. Audiences have a mass affinity with Jurassic Park that they just don't have with Terminator or Mad Max, giving the film the nostalgic fuel it needs to overcome any cynicism out there. Its box office isn't going to come close to matching the original, but in a year full of blockbuster reboots trying to blanace the old and the new, Jurassic World will be (one of) the biggest hits.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.