Predicting How 2021's Biggest Movies Will End

6. Spider-Man Stops Venom From Killing Carnage - Venom: Let There Be Carnage

Spider-Man Far from Home Willem Dafoe

We still know precious little about the upcoming, Andy Serkis-directed Venom sequel, though rumours have been running rampant for months that Tom Holland will make a small appearance in the film as Spider-Man.

It's incredibly easy to believe considering that Holland filmed a cameo for the first Venom film, albeit one which Kevin Feige ultimately asked Sony to ditch.

But with Venom grossing a stonking $856.1 million worldwide, Feige might be a little more eager for a cross-branding partnership this time around. And while it's highly unlikely Holland will have a big role in the film, he could absolutely show up for a single scene at film's end.

What if, just as Venom (Tom Hardy) is about to kill Cletus Kasady aka Carnage (Woody Harrelson), Spidey swings in to break things up?

That way, Spidey's netted himself two enemies for the price of one, which is especially useful if Feige wants to pull the trigger on a Sinister Six movie one day.

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Spider-Man 3
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.