Predicting How 2021's Biggest Movies Will End

5. Samuel L. Jackson Is The New Jigsaw - Spiral

Spider-Man Far from Home Willem Dafoe

Now, this is an admittedly outlandish theory, but given that Spiral is an entry into the Saw franchise - the ninth, in fact - there's no possibility that it doesn't end with a ridiculous, game-changing plot twist.

Though many are already convinced that veteran cop Marcus Banks (Samuel L. Jackson) will end up a victim of one of the killer's deadly games, what if this is all a smokescreen?

What if Marcus appears to have been killed, but pulls a Jigsaw and is revealed to have been the criminal mastermind all along?

Granted, Jackson is 71 years of age and there's no voice changer on the planet which will disguise his distinctive vocals, but establishing him as the new villain sure would be an incredible way to rejuvenate the flagging franchise.

Tobin Bell didn't exactly have to do much physical acting in the Saw sequels, so it likely wouldn't require a huge commitment from the workaholic Jackson, even if it remains to be seen how his villainy would be explained, with both him and his son Zeke (Chris Rock) being cops and all.

If nothing else, it'd be one hell of a swerve and certainly get people hype for the inevitable sequel.

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Spider-Man 3
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.