Predicting How 2021's Biggest Movies Will End

4. Trevor Slattery Meets The Real Mandarin - Shang-Chi & The Legend Of The Ten Rings

Spider-Man Far from Home Willem Dafoe
Marvel Studios

Anyone who was left miffed by Iron Man 3's treatment of The Mandarin should keep their eyes on Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, which will finally deliver the "true" version of the supervillain as played by the legendary Tony Leung.

But as much as Leung's iteration of the character should calm all those who loathed Iron Man 3's portrayal, one suspects the film will at least acknowledge the whole Trevor Slattery (Ben Kingsley) debacle, especially given that there's a baked-in setup for it.

Due to the blowback against Iron Man 3's bait-and-switch, Slattery made an additional appearance in the Marvel One-Shot short "All Hail the King," where he's imminently due to be broken out of prison by the Ten Rings in order to meet the real Mandarin.

While it'd probably be too much of a distraction to feature Slattery in the main movie itself, wouldn't it be hilarious to see him brought before Leung's Mandarin in a credits scene?

The comedic potential speaks for itself, giving Marvel a chance to tie this plot thread off once and for all, and also give Kingsley another chance to reprise a role he played so well, no matter the controversy.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.