Predicting The Next 28 Movies Marvel Will Make Up To 2028

20. Black Widow/The Secret Avengers (2019)

Having seen The Avengers wreck the Earth three times, the rebuilt SHIELD would no doubt be getting somewhat antsy by the time Phase 4 kicks off, especially with Hulk showing increasingly less control over his anger issues. With the World Council breathing down Maria Hill's neck, she sets up a covert team to evaluate the threat of the Hulk, which Nick Fury uses to his own ends to investigate a known threat - the Red Hulk initiative. That team could be lead by Black Widow, under Hill's command, and include some of the lesser Avengers who have been affiliated with the Secret Avengers and who have appeared already - Falcon, Hawkeye, AGENT 13, Bucky (in place of Steve Rogers), and War Machine - to give Black Widow the equivalent of a solo movie, and bring in some of the lesser used supporting figures. It would give more of a chance to see the covert side of the Avengers, and to reinforce the idea of Fury as a broken arrow, and sharing focus between supporting figures without any distracting bigger egos. The Cameo: Fury in an extended shady supporting role, and Iron Man, strongly suggesting the Red Hulk initiative is a bad idea.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.