Predicting The Next 28 Movies Marvel Will Make Up To 2028

13. Avengers 4/Civil War (2022)

With Iron Man leading the pro-registration forces against Captain America's rebels, a young superhero group - the New Warriors - unwittingly destroy downtown New York, killing 600 civilians, and the publicity garners enough public support to push through the Superhero Registration Act. As a public display of their confidence in the act, Iron Man convinces a superhero (Spider-Man if anyone can sort out the rights) to unveil their secret identity to the watching world. Iron Man develops a high-tech prison to keep anti-registration supporters locked up, and Captain America leads an attack on Iron Man and his supporters, and is imprisoned in a conventional prison, but outside court, he is assassinated by Crossbones and Agent 13 (Sharon Carter,) who is under the control of a sinister new foe. Tony Stark hangs up his armour, and takes over as head of SHIELD, ending the need for stand-alone Iron Man movies. The Cameo: Doctor Faustus, played by Christoph Waltz, revealed as the forced behind Agent 13's mind-washing.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.